In Retrospect

As this semester draws to a close and I become increasingly lazy, I thought I would take a moment to look back and think about everything I've done and learned. In numbers: 32 blog posts 57 blog followers 334 tweets 49 twitter followers 218 tweeters followed 2 conferences 21 credit hours who knows how many... Continue Reading →

Coming Back

With upcoming finals, Thanksgiving break, and a conference, I haven't been posting very much and I do apologize. I have been swamped with papers and homework and studying and family activities. In fact, yesterday my family went to get our Christmas tree and it's over nine feet tall and I'm pretty sure it's eight feet... Continue Reading →

Learning Wishlist

I have been doing quite a bit of thinking lately about what I want to learn about. What are the things that make me excited and passionate? I have come up with a list. 1. Maker Movement 2. Black Holes and Space Travel 3. Project-Based Learning 4. Workshop Method 5. How Do Scientists and Science... Continue Reading →

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