Join the Nerds


Today is the first day of Nerdlution Round Two! Nerdlution has me more excited about improving myself than the new year. Not only that, but Nerdlution has also afforded me the opportunity to connect with my friends, both in and outside of the United States. My Irish boyfriend and I have set two goals for ourselves as we get set to join in for round two today.


Goal #1:

We are going to read thirty five books. I know from my adolescent lit class that this is definitely possible, so I’m beginning to flex those #bookaday muscles! I have really missed reading as an adult and I find it is too easy to get bogged down with “I’ll read later” when I know I won’t. Yes, I am busy, but I can spare the time to finish thirty five books and boy am I stoked! Boyfriend expressed some reluctance at this, but that’s why we have the buddy system. I work better when someone other than myself is holding me accountable. I’m there for him with this reading goal, he’s there for me for our second goal. I also just like encouraging people to read more. Thirty five books is going to be a challenge, but it’s totally achievable.


Here are the books I want to read:

1. Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver

2. Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northup

3. Riding Rockets by Mike Mullane

4. Teach Like a Pirate by Burgess

5. What’s the Big Idea by Burke

6. Marbles by Ellen Forney

7. The Carpet People by Terry Pratchett

8. The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkein

9. Insurgent by Veronica Roth

10. The Sleeping Dictionary by Sujata Massey

(Check in next Monday for the next ten on my list and my Nerdlution update.)


Goal #2:

We are going to go for a walk/run/out to the gym at least three times a week. My walking to school isn’t going to count. My walking to work isn’t going to cut it. It has to be a separate outing that’s all about the walk/run/gym and it has to be for at least thirty minutes. I’m thinking about my days and thinking “when the hell am I going to have time for this?” I am reluctant. Boyfriend is not. This is his easy goal like thirty five books are mine. This is why I have the buddy system otherwise these would only be words on your computer screen and I would never follow through. I still might not, but at least I have a better chance.


So, ready, set, go! Tell me your Nerdlution goals!


9 thoughts on “Join the Nerds

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  1. Love the dinosaur exercise motivation poster! I STILL haven’t figured out my #nerdlution goals yet. I’m spending some time this morning reading other people’s posts and hoping to get inspired. I have hardly been writing in my writer’s notebook at all, so I might make that my goal. I may try to join you in the 35 book goal too. That’s challenging for me over 50 days, but not impossible. Maybe you need to add some more graphic novels to your list? And verse novels. And kids books?!?! SHORT=GOOD. LOL.

    1. No kidding, right? It’s definitely going to be a challenge, but Kelsey and I have started up a bit of a book exchange between each other with our graphic novels. I’m also slowly moving through your list that you gave me last semester. I’m thinking about reincorporating the book reviews we did in adolescent lit into my blogging diet too for this challenge.

  2. Yay! I love these goals and I love that you and your boyfriend are doing this together. The buddy system certainly helps. Can’t wait to read your progress on Thursdays over at my blog. Happy Nerdluting!

  3. You are so ambitious! I’m still thinking about my #nerdlution Also, I really thought fangirl would be on your list! I have two hinds graphic novels for you if you want to add those 😉

    1. Definitely! This is just the first ten books on my list, though they’re not necessarily in the order I want to read them. I would love to read some more Gareth Hinds and Fangirl. Do you have a copy of that one?

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