A Few Introductions

Hello world! It's been awhile. I've been a little bogged down with a cat crisis, where my lovely Joplin ran off and has yet to come back and it's been so long, I doubt he will, and a sister visit to Laramie, where I got to see my little sister making a go of it... Continue Reading →

So Much Science!

This year has been off to an incredibly hectic start and with that, the Nothing as Awesome as Science - Absolutely NASA program is back up and running. We have excellent mentors this year and a really cool website, but we are struggling to recruit new pre-service elementary school teachers into the program. We have... Continue Reading →

Slowly Slumping

Recently, I've been slacking in my blogging and in the effort I put into just about everything. I've been burned out for awhile now and it's catching up with me. I can't keep continuing to care and things are getting more and more demanding, asking that would I please reconsider and dedicate more of myself... Continue Reading →

Making Waves

This is my first ever blog round up day and I hope that you are all just as excited as I am. The NASA blog project for my NASA mentorship is off to a great start, even though there was a little trepidation from several parties at the beginning. There are five blogs so far,... Continue Reading →

Up and Up

Sometimes in life we are wrong about things. I think I may have been wrong about this NASA project. Yes, I still believe that we may have too many people involved. I am still confused about our final goal. Yet, it's not horrible. It's actually kind of shaping up to be a fun and fairly... Continue Reading →

How do you deal with a no? Yesterday, my science notebook idea was shot down. I was disappointed to say the least. Incredibly frustrated to say the most. I was told that the science notebook would add too much pressure and 'school' like aspects to this NASA class I'm teaching. When I asked what we... Continue Reading →

NASA and Notebooks

It's been a little over a month since my last post, but I want to get back into the swing of things. I have missed blogging and tweeting and my Special Methods class especially, but by continuing to blog, I can still communicate with them and with others. I can be a part of change... Continue Reading →

Shared Dreams

Science! has become a bit like my catchphrase this year. In all of my English classes, I know I've used it at least once and probably a lot more than just that one time. I fight for posters and research and science notebooks and often times I feel a wee bit ignored in this.  It's... Continue Reading →

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