Up and Up

Sometimes in life we are wrong about things. I think I may have been wrong about this NASA project. Yes, I still believe that we may have too many people involved. I am still confused about our final goal. Yet, it's not horrible. It's actually kind of shaping up to be a fun and fairly... Continue Reading →

Shared Dreams

Science! has become a bit like my catchphrase this year. In all of my English classes, I know I've used it at least once and probably a lot more than just that one time. I fight for posters and research and science notebooks and often times I feel a wee bit ignored in this.  It's... Continue Reading →

Sharing Sunday

In an effort to inspire me to write in my writer's notebook more and to become more open about sharing what I write, I have created Sharing Sunday. Each Sunday, from here on out, I will be sharing something from my writer's notebook with you. It may be a first draft that needs much revision,... Continue Reading →

Oh Boy….

One summer down and another semester staring me straight in the face. Have you missed me? I found that my blog suffered this summer. I had no deadlines, no due dates, no grades and therefore I did not write. What does that say about me, I wonder? I started writing fiction again though, which I... Continue Reading →

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