It’s Monday and I’m Back

It's Monday evening and I am making good on one of my New Years Resolutions. I promised myself at the end of 2015 that I was going to begin writing again in 2016. I would blog three times a week and try to write 15 minutes a day. Writing 15 minutes a day has not... Continue Reading →

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

I have to admit that I'm in a bit of a reading slump right now. I powered through my young adult novels from the libraries in town and now, I don't want to read anything. After reading Maggie Steifvater's Scorpio Races in the beginning of May, nothing has really done it for me. It's a... Continue Reading →


As part of my literature class that I am teaching this summer, I am requiring my students to blog. I have recently really struggled with finding the motivation and time to blog and I thought to myself that if I am going to require it of someone else, I had better be able to require... Continue Reading →

It’s Monday… What Are You Reading?

Today begins my adventure teaching Upward Bound. I'll be teaching the book The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls to a variety of high school students ranging from freshman to senior and all of them from diverse backgrounds. I couldn't be more excited to be starting my first paid teaching job. Yet, I realized that I... Continue Reading →

Heartbeat Resolution

We all have a heartbeat. It pulses, beats, and taps out the rhythm of our lives. It is at the core of our being. If we listen to it, we can march to the beat of our own tuba. We can sing with the lifeblood that flows through us. This pulse tells us, in a... Continue Reading →

A Few Introductions

Hello world! It's been awhile. I've been a little bogged down with a cat crisis, where my lovely Joplin ran off and has yet to come back and it's been so long, I doubt he will, and a sister visit to Laramie, where I got to see my little sister making a go of it... Continue Reading →

Welcome Home

After my very long hiatus from this blog, I have decided to make it a definite goal to write a post at least twice a week this summer. I haven't been writing very much and I need to get back into the practice. I have also recently returned from a month long vacation in France... Continue Reading →

Sink or Swim

Do you know what one of the most rewarding things in the entire world is? It's hearing someone tell you about their blog and how someone they didn't know commented on it. This happened to Miss Adams this week. She came into class on Wednesday and began telling me how this woman who taught high... Continue Reading →

Slowly Slumping

Recently, I've been slacking in my blogging and in the effort I put into just about everything. I've been burned out for awhile now and it's catching up with me. I can't keep continuing to care and things are getting more and more demanding, asking that would I please reconsider and dedicate more of myself... Continue Reading →

Don’t Suck on the Bones

Rule Number on of David's Fossil Lab: Don't Suck on the Bones.This Monday, we began a new unit of fossils and evolutionary biology with a little bit of geology sprinkled in. Our supervisor was out and we mentors had free reign.... which produced some interesting results. We spent more time learning through playing and the... Continue Reading →

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