It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

Okay, so technically, it's Tuesday, but I'm still going to tell you all what I've been reading. I actually finished Shadow and Bone last week. I felt like Shadow and Bone sits there with The Selection series. It's a little bit better though and I like that it has a darker premise. There's definitely more... Continue Reading →


As part of my literature class that I am teaching this summer, I am requiring my students to blog. I have recently really struggled with finding the motivation and time to blog and I thought to myself that if I am going to require it of someone else, I had better be able to require... Continue Reading →

Heartbeat Resolution

We all have a heartbeat. It pulses, beats, and taps out the rhythm of our lives. It is at the core of our being. If we listen to it, we can march to the beat of our own tuba. We can sing with the lifeblood that flows through us. This pulse tells us, in a... Continue Reading →

What Are We Saying?

Words are everywhere. We read them. We write them. We speak them. We hear them. They permeate almost every single part of our existence. We even think in words. Words have enormous power. War. Hate. Peace. Love. Words are our ideas and our hopes and our dreams. With this much power, I don't feel like... Continue Reading →

Slowly Slumping

Recently, I've been slacking in my blogging and in the effort I put into just about everything. I've been burned out for awhile now and it's catching up with me. I can't keep continuing to care and things are getting more and more demanding, asking that would I please reconsider and dedicate more of myself... Continue Reading →

Paralyzing, Exciting Change

Occasionally, we come to points in our lives where we have to make really big, really scary decisions. We can see our lives going one way or another and thinking about the different directions makes our heart pump a little faster and our excitement rises and we are terrified. I have been thinking, for over... Continue Reading →

Making Waves

This is my first ever blog round up day and I hope that you are all just as excited as I am. The NASA blog project for my NASA mentorship is off to a great start, even though there was a little trepidation from several parties at the beginning. There are five blogs so far,... Continue Reading →

Up and Up

Sometimes in life we are wrong about things. I think I may have been wrong about this NASA project. Yes, I still believe that we may have too many people involved. I am still confused about our final goal. Yet, it's not horrible. It's actually kind of shaping up to be a fun and fairly... Continue Reading →


If I were to write a list of things that I think are awful and that I don't like very much, scripted classrooms would be in the top five. I was reading the magazine Wired (read the article here) the other day and I came upon on article about Bridge Academies. I always try and read... Continue Reading →

Worth Dying For

A few weeks ago, some girls in my Special Methods class brought up a recent murder of a math teacher at Danvers High School near Boston, MA. With all of the shootings and horrible things that seem to be happening more often lately, I thought I'd take the time to consider what I would die... Continue Reading →

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